What is Tinnitus? Tinnitus is the constant ear-ringing or buzzing in one ear causes or whooshing sound in the ear. Research indicates that nearly 50 percent of people over age 65 have at least some degree of tinnitus and they should go for tinnitus cure.
The process of hearing is a wonderful belt process being operated by nature’s instruments of our body. These are not words rather the energy that converts when we are listening to the sounds. This is the first thing, we have to clear. If someone is sitting in front of someone or calling someone on the phone; the Average conversational speech level is approximately 60 dB. Sound level is measured in decibels (dB). When someone whispers; its level is about 30 dB, normal one to one conversation is about 60 dB. Noise above 70 dB over a prolonged period of time may start to damage your hearing and may lead to effects of tinnitus. Loud noise above 120 dB is very harmful for hearing. Some people are soft spoken with 60 dB, some people are loud speakers with 80 dB speech level. Even we have to ask them to speak slowly. The sounds are transmitted as sound wave in form of energy and sent to the ear canal to the eardrum. It causes the eardrum to vibrate to touch the three tiny bones in the middle ear. Cochlea creates electrical signals to send them to brain. Our brain after receiving those signals, processes those sounds whether it has listen those words previously or not. That’s why if someone is talking in a language that we don’t know; we don’t understand. Actually, the energy is being transmitted but our brain is not processing that sound that is in a different language. A patient with tinnitus problem basically loses the certain amount of energy required for understanding the conversation or sound. Due to chemical dis-balance in cochlea, actually required level of energy doesn’t transmit to the brain. Energy that had to be transmitted in signals does not reach the brain and come out from the ear. That energy coming out of cochlea to the outer side becomes ringing in ear. RCHI’s tinnitus cure and ringing in ears cure program is all about tinnitus management. Recommendations for tinnitus sleeping position with tinnitus sleep pillow and tinnitus sleep medication can be helpful for the patients looking for tinnitus cure.