Pure Tone Audiometry test in Lahore Pakistan

Are you Looking for a Pure Tone Audiometry Test in Lahore, Pakistan?

Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) Test is the key hearing test at Rehabilitation Center. This test is used to identify hearing threshold levels of an individual, enabling determination of the degree, type and configuration of a hearing loss.

PTA provides ear specific thresholds, and uses frequency specific pure tones to give place specific responses, so that the configuration of a hearing loss can be identified. As PTA uses both air and bone conduction audiometry, the type of loss can also be identified via the air-bone ga

Pure Tone Audiometry in Lahore Pakistan

Visual Reinforcement Audiometry

Conditioned Play Audiometry

Bone Conduction Testing


To diagnose hearing problems that result from such conditions as acoustic trauma, sudden hearing loss, or deafness.

How it works

Your ability to hear tones at different volumes and pitches is measured when the sound is transmitted through bone and through air. A comparison between these two types of conduction can help determine which part of the hearing mechanism is responsible for the loss.

About Pure-Tone Testing

You might have taken a hearing test at school or in an office of a doctor. Perhaps you remember putting the earphones in and raising your hand every time you could hear the “beep.” It’s pure-tone testing. It’s also known as air conduction testing because the sound waves travel through the middle and outer ear. This PTA hearing test helps you find the most silent sound you could hear in different pitches or frequencies. With earphones in place, the sound goes to only one ear at a time.

Sometimes, it’s impossible to wear headphones. One example is when children refuse to wear headphones. In such cases, sounds are transmitted through speakers in the sound booth. This is called sound-field screening. The sound is absorbed by both ears simultaneously. This test does not reveal if there’s only hearing loss in one ear.


Your ears are checked to be sure wax is not blocking the ear canal. If so, the facility is available at the Rehabilitation Center for the removal of the wax.

Test procedure

At Rehabilitaion Center for Hearing Impaired, you enter a special soundproof metal room. You don headphones and are instructed to raise your hand when you hear a tone. Tones (steady or beeping) are played at six different pitches, representing the range of human hearing. Each time you raise your hand, the volume is dropped 10 decibels (dB) until you can no longer hear it. The test is repeated in the other ear.

You remove the headphones and put on a headband with a small plastic rectangle that fits behind your ear and conducts sound to your bone. The tones are repeated. If either ear tests poorly with earphones but normally with the bone-conduction piece, crossover (the good ear “helping out” the poor ear) is suspected.

The good ear will then be covered with a headphone, background masking noise played, and the test resumed. To test your ability to discern speech, you will put on the earphones again and listen to and repeat 25 common words.

After the test

You are free to leave and resume normal activities.


It’s quick, painless, and accurate.



Testing Young Children

Children of all ages can benefit when they engage in games. There are various ways to determine your child’s hearing with play. Visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA) and conditional playing audiometry (CPA) are the most popular methods.

Visual Reinforcement Audiometry

This is the best method to test children aged between 6 months and two years old. The Audiologist will instruct your child to focus on the sound source. When your child’s eyes are directed toward the source of the sound, he will see an object moving as well as a flashing light. The reward is watching the sound. Both ears are being tested simultaneously.

Conditioned Play Audiometry

This kind of test is ideal for toddlers and preschoolers between the ages of 2 and 5. Your child will be doing something every when she hears a sound. She could put a block in a container, place pegs in an opening, or place an earring on a cone.

Bone Conduction Testing

Audiologists perform this kind of test to determine if something, like wax or liquid, is blocking the middle or outer ear.

What is a PTA Test For Ear?

A pure tone audiogram test determines if a person has a hearing impairment or fatigue. It measures the intensity, frequency, and duration of a sound. It is usually conducted in an acoustic chamber or testing booth where the sounds are blocked from reflection and standing waves. A person with high-frequency hearing loss may suffer from severe hearing problems and may benefit from a pure-tone test. For more information, contact us for a pure tone audiometry test.

A pure tone audiometric test can be done on both ears. After the patient has a baseline hearing test, the audiometer will play a series of tones at different volumes. The hearing care professional will measure the decibel level at which the sound becomes inaudible during the test. A pure tone audiometry test online will plot the data on an audiogram to determine whether the patient has hearing loss. The data will be used to determine the type and severity of the hearing loss.

How will Rchi Pak Do Pure Tone Audiometry Test?

Rchi Pak Clinic in Lahore uses a digital signal to record a patient’s hearing loss. Once the audiometer has collected the information, Our certified hearing care provider can recommend appropriate treatments or further testing. Rchi Pak pure tone audiometry clinic in Lahore can provide the necessary equipment to perform the test. We offer a variety of audiometric equipment for both ears. Our certified audiometry services clinic has the right & Latest equipment for the job.

Our Audiologist will place a small device in your ears or on your forehead in this test. The sound waves that pass through the device will cause your skull to move. The vibration travels to the inner ear or cochlea. It skips over the middle and outer ear. This test will tell the Audiologist what you hear and whether there’s a problem with the middle of the outer ear.

Pure Tone Audiometry Test Determine.

A pure tone audiometry test can determine whether a person has a hearing problem. If so, a pure tone audiometry service will identify any issues. This is one of the most effective ways to diagnose and treat hearing loss. Choosing a reliable and experienced service is important to save you time and money. Once you have an accurate diagnosis, you can take steps to correct your hearing problems. A pure tone audiometry test can help determine if a person has hearing loss. The Pta audiogram will show the frequency range in which the person hears. It is important to note that the frequency ranges that a person hears depend on their genetics PTA audiogram. A patient’s hearing test will indicate the frequency range and the frequency banding of their ears. If the patient has a hearing loss, they will be tested for low-frequency frequencies to determine the amount of their hearing ability.

Benefits of Pure Tone Audiometry Test.

There are several benefits to pure tone audiometry. It is a highly accurate way to assess a person’s hearing capacity. An audiometry pta test Clinic can perform a pure tone audiometry test for a low cost. A patient must be in a quiet environment, wear headphones, and listen to appropriate sounds during the test. Once the test is complete, a technician will analyze the results with high accuracy.

A pure tone audiometry test in Pakistan can help you determine if a patient has a hearing problem or not. A sound is played at a high frequency and played at various volumes during this process. The hearing care professional monitors the participant’s response and determines if they can hear it at the same level. The result is a report called an audiogram. This audiogram is a representation of the individual’s hearing sensitivity.

A pure tone audiometry test is based on pure tone stimulus responses. It is a subjective behavioral evaluation of sound frequency. In addition to determining a patient’s hearing acuity, a pure tone audiometry service can also determine a person’s hearing ability and the severity of the problem. A well-conducted test will help a professional identify the source of the problem and recommend a treatment.

Test procedure

At Rehabilitation Center for Hearing Impaired, you enter a particular soundproof metal room. You don headphones and are instructed to raise your hand when you hear a tone. Tones (steady or beeping) are played at six different pitches, representing the range of human hearing. Each time you raise your hand, the volume is dropped 10 decibels (dB) until you can no longer hear it. The test is repeated in the other ear.

You remove the headphones and put on a headband with a small plastic rectangle that fits behind your ear and conducts sound to your bone. The tones are repeated. If either ear tests poorly with earphones but generally with the bone-conduction piece, crossover (the excellent ear “helping out” the poor ear) is suspected.

The good ear will then be covered with headphones, background masking noise played, and the test resumed. To test your ability to discern speech, you will put on the earphones again and listen to and repeat 25 common words.

After the test

You are free to leave and resume normal activities.


It’s quick, painless, and accurate.

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